Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Everyone is different. My approach is designed to meet you where you’re at, over and over again. Together we will assess your emergent and ever-changing, unique needs and goals.

  • Dynamic

    Therapy is a fluid, collaborative dance made primarily of trust. Through safety and consistency, my hope for you is to build a trust not only in me, in the process itself, but most importantly in yourself.

  • Integrative

    We will work toward an integration that is holistic, realistic, and sustainable. We will consider all the parts of not only you, but also the ecosystems of the structures you are a part of: your environment, culture, community of the present and past.




If you have a question that you don’t see answered here, just reach out! I would love to hear from you

what even is expressive arts therapy?

Expressive arts therapy is an intermodal approach to healing using the combined modalities of art therapy, music therapy, dance movement therapy, and drama therapy. The connection between the modalities is representative of our being in the world, we exist through our sensory experiences which is what we’ll lean into together. While it may sound brand new in this context, the arts are innate, ancient, and holistic.

what is emdr?

EMDR is a trauma treatment that works to restore the way the mind and body naturally integrate our experiences. What is crucial to understand about traumatic memory is that it is much different from our other modes of memory systems. Trauma re-organizes the nervous system, the brain, memory, and really our capacity to function. Trauma is stored as sensory fragments in the body, which often show up as triggers and survival behaviors. EMDR connects what is fragmented from trauma and does so holistically by accessing, and holding the fullness of yourself and your experiences, attachments, and your ingrained belief systems.

what do you do for fun?

I love fun! I adore spending time in my garden, and time in nature. I am an artist, and making consumes much of my time. I have so much gratitude for my yoga practice and community. I enjoy swimming, meditation group, reading, and writing. I can often be found soaking up rays of light, being with friends and family, letting every dog lick my face, and tending to my plants.

to all my previous & current clients, your trust means the world to me and your resilience has me in awe

what if i’m not artistic?

This is the sentiment I hear most often, and guess what- we are all creative beings!!!! It is inherent in each and every one of us. All we have to do is tap in and trust.

what is your favorite part about being a therapist?

Being a therapist is a cherished privilege. The way that I get to be in people’s lives is so special; it is a role I have never taken for granted. The role of a witness is open-ended; there is no predicting how a session or a treatment plan will go. The ritual of showing up with you consistently, week after week, regardless of what you’re coming with, is my deepest honor.

what if i’m nervous or new to therapy?

If you’re brand new to therapy, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. It can often be quite difficult to reach out for help. I want to make it abundantly clear that even if you have tried therapy before, beginning again with a new person can be so overwhelming! Of course it can be exciting and motivating, but it is anxiety provoking for sure. This is a very common concern and the truth is, as long as you show up honestly and authentically for yourself in therapy, there is no “doing it wrong”.


  • Let’s chat! I would love to hear about your current needs

  • Feel out if we’re a good fit

  • Discuss insurance details

  • Talk scheduling logistics